Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Crack in the Dam Grows Wider

Dear Cheney and Woo and Bybee and George W. Bush and other Team Bush Torturers,

Your days of freedom from prosecution may be over.
Spain is already threatening to indict
some of our home-grown American War Criminals.

The crack in the dam opened with the White House release of the Bush Torture Memos, those documents featuring tortured legal language justifying waterboarding, slamming prisoners' heads against walls, tormenting their children with insects, and more.

And now the House Judiciary Committee is preparing to hold hearings on those Torture Memos.

But that's not all.

President Obama himself has said it is up to the Justice Department to decide what to do about investigations and prosecution of the authors of the memos authorizing torture.

But wait, there's more. A report by the Senate Armed Services Committee released today says that torture techniques approved by the Bush administration were based on Chinese Communist techniques. Michigan Senator Carl Levin (D) has written to Attorney General Eric Holder recommending a panel to look more closely at the issues raised by the Torture Memos with an eye to prosecution.

Meanwhile we are waiting for another shoe to drop. That would be the report on torture by the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility. Coming soon at a Web site near you. Stay tuned.

How about that, Oval Office Torture Enthusiasts? Feeling a little uncomfortable lately? Looking over your shoulder to see if some FBI boys with the dark glasses and the narrow ties are on your trail? Not booking any overseas flights for fear you might come under arrest by a foreign law enforcement officer?

There's a crack in the dam, and with any luck we may soon experience a full-on flood.




Annette said...

This is why I was encouraging everyone to write to their Congress person a couple of weeks ago. If we keep the pressure on them, to hold hearings, change the laws, and fix what Bush broke, then it would be time to have the needed hearings into what crimes were committed. But people have to be angry enough in order to do it. For some reason there just aren't enough angry people out there.

I can't understand why people don't see it.. I get the excuse these people aren't the same as like the Japanese who attacked us.. well how are they different?? We were still attacked.

It was just a different method. But that's why more people don't think what was done was wrong is my understanding of it. I don't see it that way.. torture is wrong.. no matter what or who.. But that's what I am told by some people and that's what I see some of the idiots on teevee saying as to why they think it was ok.

enigma4ever said...

It is not up to the Congress... Obama can take a stand on this...we need to keep up the heat- the outrage...we must...

excellent post newsman....
keep it up....
sign the Holder petitions too- I have them posted...

see my problem is that I want Prosecution, but I also want TRUTH- I want this all public- no more quiet Scooter investigations....

this has gone too far...

we all knew that all along though didn't we ?

enigma4ever said...

I answered your questions about the Child photo over on watergate- do read the Top 3 posts- and also the comments for the Main Torture Post ( the one with the photos-) it has More Information and also do read ALL the links at the bottem of that post- as it is all there.....women and children on wing 18- which is also where the shower unit was - where they did things to people....."iced" them...and so yes, WHOLE families were brutally tortured and traumatized. And yes, they did things to the young girls. And yes, there are links to photos that are much worse than what I showed....I am haunted by the photos of "Sabrina" and how she gleefully posed with Corpses and also how she stitched a man that was Bitten by a dog.

The Number of Children at Abu Gahriab is unknown- but they were there. And also there were atleast four at Gitmo that were under 16 and have grown up there- we need to find them....

These are War Crimes...

I no longer am seeking my Watergate Summer....
I am seeking a Nuremberg Summer...

we must do what we can...
or the world will never ever forgive us..
and at this point they must see our outrage....

enigma4ever said...

We will need Holder and Obama to turn ALL the data over to the International Court.

I messed up about Abu Garhaib above- it is not wing 18, it was Tier IB, sorry...to answer your questions children were used to force the parents to "confess" to things....in true Nazi Dr.Mengal fashion.