Friday, September 11, 2009

Joe Wilson's Web Site Still Down But his Stock Has Risen in Cracker Country

The rednecks in Joe Wilson's part of the woods in South Carolina are sending him money via another Website specifically designed to do nothing but collect credit card cash.

There is something really sick going on in this country when a cracker like Wilson can shout at the President of the United States during a joint session of Congress and get congratulated for it by morons who are registered to vote.

Personally, I think a lot of it stems from the belief in that former Confederate state that it really is acceptable to disrespect a black man. No problem, he's just a "nigra." I suspect Wilson has a white sheet in his closet with two eyeholes in it.

This from the NYT:

In Washington, Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina was sharply criticized by both Democrats and his fellow Republicans for shouting “You lie!” during President Obama’s health care address on Wednesday. But here in his strongly Republican Congressional district on Thursday, he was celebrated by many of his constituents for his outburst.

Joe Wilson. Thoroughly disgusting. Embarrassing. The country is full of fools worshipping a Congressional buffoon.
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