Thursday, January 15, 2009

Last Letter to George W. Bush

To George W. Bush
White House,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir:

That speech tonight was the biggest load of horsecrap since O.J. Simpson said he was going out looking for the real killer.

You are living in a fantasy world in which you and the Chicago Cubs are World Champions. The rest of us are living in the real world in which we are partying all week--albeit with meager party supplies--because this is the last week of your so-called presidency.

Now go to Dallas and dream of cheers and applause from adoring crowds, a pleasure you will not have except in halls full of Republicans who share your delusions.

Bye, bye Bush. We hope to see you indicted for at least one of the crimes you visited on this country.

Yours Truly,



enigma4ever said...

LOL...great is amazing HOW much disgusting drivel can fall out of his mouth .....and how Delusional he really is...damn....counting the hours down now....