Saturday, February 7, 2009

To My Dear Republican Friends

I wish some Republican would answer this question: By what logic do the Republicans think they have a right to oppose anything this president is doing to try to save the country?

You idiots got us into this horrific mess with your eight years of neocon religious beliefs in unfettered markets and darwinian capitalism. Now you insist on giving us more of the same in Obama's rescue package and if you don't get your way, you threaten obstructionism. It's insane.

It's as if you, led by the Bush and Cheney criminal crowd tossed us all into quicksand and now that the rescuers are on the way, you want to set up some roadblocks to keep the emergency vehicles away.

Republicans should--to quote Dick Cheney--shut the fuck up.

yr most obedient and humble servant, I remain,