Sunday, March 1, 2009

You Go, Rush. A Letter From a Big Fan...

Dear Mr. Limbaugh,

I caught your act at the CPAC conference on CSPAN. I occasionally hear you on the radio, for about ten seconds. That is about all I can take of your arrogant nonsense.

You are a corpulent, overpaid drug addict and about the most disgusting self-righteous fool I have had the pleasure of observing from a distance. You would have been right at home in Hitler's Germany. In fact, you could have been perfect replacement for Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda.
As an ignorant blathering blowhard, you represent the party well. You express the wish that the president will fail, a wish that reveals your contempt for jobless people and homeless people and those of us struggling to survive in the economy that you and your kind created. You do not lie. You actually seem to believe the absolute fascist drivel you spew forth on the nation's airwaves.

And that is why I cheer you on. Please stay on the radio for the long haul, despite the fact that you make more money than God. I wish you could get a TV show. It is fitting and appropriate that you are the face of the Republican Party. You unwittingly rip the mask of "compassionate conservatism" and reasonableness (such as it is) from the face of the GOP. You really do tell it like it is.

Each day, you cause the Body Politic to retch and purge itself of the greedy and violent philosophy of the Wingnut Crowd. It only takes about a minute or two of listening to your virtual finger down the throat of America to accomplish this. In other words, you reveal the hatred and ignorance of the GOP. .

Oh, and I love that you are a big fat draft dodger. Couldn't serve during Vietnam, yet you supported that war and Iraq and Afghanistan. Perfect stance for a chickenshit Republican. You go, Rush

Regards, from a Veteran, a Big Fan and Dittohead,



Annette said...

I agree... he and Ann just needs to keep on spewing thier talk for all they are worth.. that 9,000 people who were loving every minute of it can be the same ones who listen to every word and then vote for whoever they are told to next year and the Dems can just keep the majority.

Brilliant plan.

NEWSGUY said...
