Liddy, the former Watergate criminal who served 4 and a half years in prison for his part in the Nixon burglary and coverup, has now proven he has completely gone over the edge. He is one of a gang of idiots trying to prove that President Obama was born outside the United States of America.
Liddy's appearance on Tweety Bird's Hardball was just embarrassing. If you watched the video you know what I mean.
Lou Dobbs on CNN has also taken up with the birthers.
My comment: I have an idea. How about that Obama isn't yet 35 years old? How do we know he's 35, a constitutional requirement to be president. And how do we know he's really a male, which after all was the criteria for voting when the Constitution was enacted in 1789.
Does Obama own property? There's another requirement for voting and holding office at the time the Constitution was enacted.
Fianally, he's black. Well that disqualifies him right there. He can't be president. The Founding Fathers never envisioned a black president. He should be arrested immediatly and sent back to Kenya.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
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