Here it is on the ACLU Web site. The George W. Bush torture memos. These constitute the true legacy of the Bush presidency. Torture documented, just as the Nazis documented their torture. Read the Bush torture memos and weep. We knew about all this all along, but we never had the actual smoking gun before.
This makes me ashamed of my country. It makes me ashamed of having had a George W. Bush sitting in the Oval Office. It is making me ashamed that we have a president now, Obama who declares he will not prosecute those who tortured in our name. It makes me ashamed and embarrassed and angry that the torturers will go free without prosecution. And it makes me afraid that someday it will happen again.
The Bush officials listed at The Public Record, include:
....former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales; John Yoo, the former Justice Department lawyer who wrote secret legal opinions saying President George W. Bush had the authority to circumvent the Geneva Conventions, Douglas Feith, the former undersecretary of defense for policy; William Haynes II, former general counsel for the Department of Defense; Jay Bybee, Yoo's former boss at the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel and now a Federal judge; and David Addington, chief of staff and legal adviser to former Vice President Dick Cheney.
For those who may be a bit fuzzy on the history of the Nazis who invaded a country without cause and practiced torture among its many other war crimes, here is a link to The Nuremberg Trials.
Not sure about the fact that Pres. Obama will not prosecute anyone who tortured. I think that's still up in the air. According to the attorney from ACLU and the post at Think Progress they believe he left the door open to prosecute the Attys who wrote the memos and Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and the rest. Also, the UN Special Rapporteur Manfred Nowak is coming over to speak to Pres. Obama.. he is very much in favor of prosecution and is likely to come down hard on POTUS if none are done, or will see about having them done at the Hague.
POTUS made the comment he was working on something else... that could be what he is working on... he liked to play his cards close to his vest during the election... that could be what he is doing now. There was a lot of speculation about these memos before they came out, about the amount of redaction, or if they would even be released and he fooled them all. He may have something up his sleeve again.
Well, Annie, I sure as hell hope you are right. You are such an optimist, seeing the glass half full all. the time. I had high hopes for Obama, voted for him (of course!) want to see him succeed. I am just waiting to see the CHANGE he promised.
Concerned about commitment to Afghanistan (Obama's Vietnam?), wondering why the fat cat banks have all been given handouts in the billions but still tightfisted about loans while foreclosures are happening all over the country.
Let's hope he has Bush and Cheney guessing.
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