Monday, August 24, 2009

The Ad That CNN Won't Play

It is OK for the Republicans to play dirty tricks like Stealing an Election. Or Two Elections. Or Starting an Unnecessary War. Or Torturing People. Or Running Secret Prisons all over the world. Or Telling Huge Whoppers about Obama's health plan.

But it is not OK for Our Side to tell the Truth about the health insurance companies.

I guess CNN decided this ad was unfair to Cigna Insurance and its CEO. Well in this health care debate, we wouldn't want anyone to be unfair, would we?

Here's another ad from the same people.

These ads were produced by Americans United For Change. They've produced a lot of ads. I am not sure just how successful they have been in getting these ads out there. I think I saw the first one once on MSNBC. Other than that, I have not seen any of the rest of them anywhere and I see a lot of cable news. Nowhere on the site does it reveal where the ads have aired, if ever. Possibly they rely on bloggers to pick them up and post them around on the Web.
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