We have leaned that Barack Hussen Obama was not born in Kenya as has previously been reported. Nor was he born in Pakistan, Indonesia or Hawaii. The Hawaiian birth certificate, obviously a fake document created to support the illusion that Obama is a U.S. citizen, has been debunked by dozens of patriots who have shown up at health care rallies with posters questioning Obama's place of birth. To put an exclamation point on it, some of these people have carried weapons.
Sadly, these people are somewhat misguided. But it is not their fault. The facts have been concealed by the government for years.
The fact is, Barack Hussein Obama is an alien from outer space. The problem is not that he is a foreigner not constitutionally eligible to be president. Obama was not even born on this planet. To those skeptics and liberals ready to laugh this off as the ravings of an uninformed nut, we have proof. The photo here is of an alien taken shortly after an exraterrestrial saucer crash at the notorious Area 51 north of Las Vegas. Note the close resemblance to Barack Hussein Obama. Now it becomes clear why Obama pretends to be African-American. He is concealing his alien appearance under the guise of an earthling of a different race. But now we know better. Obama is an extraterrestrial being from outer space! What further proof do you need?
However we invite those skeptics still unconvinced to inspect the photo of the spacecraft of the type we believe carried Obama here from a distant planet. Solid proof.
We are ready now to be interviewed by reporters at CNN and Fox. We welcome inquiries from Lou Dobbs Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. We are determined to put to rest the ridiculous stories that Barack Hussein Obama was born in some foreign country, or even Hawaii. He was not. He is from somewhere out there.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
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