Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What's in the Obama Health Care Plan

• Gramma is toast. Bye Bye Gramma.
• Your Medicare will be cancelled, and Obama will charge you for that.
• After going before the Peoples Glorious Collective Death Panel, Sarah Palin's new baby will be ground up and fed to zoo animals.
• The new health care plan will be administered by a Health Czar Ivan Boris Walkitov, who served as The People's Glorious Commissar of Health in the Soviet Union. Here he will have the title, First Secretary of the Peoples Glorious Central Committee on Health Care which will tell your doctor whether you should live or die.
• If you have leprosy or any of a hundred other nasty diseases, they will send you to a Peoples Medical Concentration Camp in Utah.
• You will be required to have a picture of Karl Marx tattooed on your forehead
• The government will install chips in your head to listen to everything you say.
• The government will install chips in your doctor's head.
• You will be required to go to Peoples Re-education Meetings once a month to familiarize you with the new health plan.
• The government will send you to whatever doctor they like, even if it is 200 miles from your house. This is designed to control costs.
• If you have a medical emergency, get in line. You may have to wait a couple of weeks for that nasty head injury or ruptured appendix.
• Wealthy people will be paying more taxes, so they will be way ahead of you in line.
• At your doctor's office you will have to wear a hospital gown decorated with red hammers and sickles.
• In the waiting room you will be required to read old copies of Soviet Life, and you will hear piped in MUZAK featuring the Internationale, over and over and over and over.
• You will not get your country back. A black man born in Kenya will still be president.
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