Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dear Readers (Both of You)

Dear Readers,

It's late. I don't want to write anything. I'm tired out from doing nothing all day. Here are a couple of links from the New York Times, about America's torture program.

Paul Krugman pounds Obama for ignoring the importance of prosecuting the torturers.

Frank Rich targets Judge Jay Bybee, who it is now reported is sorry he signed off on torture. Bybee, now a judge on the 9th circuit, should be sorry. I just hope he is a hell of a lot sorrier when he gets his ass impeached and loses his cushy lifetime appointment.

None of the others should be left off the hook, either. Woo, Addington, Cheney, Bush, even Condoleeza Rice, who it is reported, also signed off on sadistic treatment of prisoners. All War Criminals and should be treated as such.




Annette said...

I truly don't think Pres. Obama is ignoring anything.. no matter what Krugman thinks..I think Krugman likes to target Pres. Obama for everything.
Pres. Obama is walking a very fine line here. He has to appear to stay above it and yet let it go forward without appearing to approve it. That's difficult for him. He has turned it over to the AG and that's all he can do.. and what he should do. Other than that, there is really nothing else he can do.
Remember though even if he doesn't talk about it.. he wants it done.. if he didn't.. it wouldn't have gone this far. Trust me on that one. I have followed this man for too many years and seen how he works.. he always has a plan..and this is just another step in it.

enigma4ever said...

I think we should all start making a list and checking it twice- it is a Long list of WHO was involved with crafting these War Crimes....Yoo to Rummy to Dick etc etc...

Frank Rich's post really nailed it....I hope that Obama read it....( the Krugman one was fine- but the Frank Rich one really got to me...)